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(877) 533-7878


Lee Rain is about more than just water. We’re about bringing insight and experience to bear on the big challenges facing growers, communities, and the planet today and tomorrow.

We believe passionately in the power of innovation to solve the complex problems of our customers and society in the future. Our recognition that a critical component to solving the global water crisis will be the optimization of water use in food production inspired us to pioneer the science of Plant-Triggered Irrigation. This irrigation optimization process utilizes a next-level understanding of the needs of the plant to guide the most precise and efficient water-application solution available.

Intelligent advances, like Plant-Triggered Irrigation, are based on the fundamental understanding that the core concerns of our food producers, like productivity, cost reduction, and profitability, are integral to issues of community, environmental, and global wellbeing. By empowering our customers with the industry-leading innovation and best practice methodologies, we seek to ensure a more prosperous and sustainable future for all.


By empowering our customers
with the industry-leading
innovation and best
practice methodologies,
we seek to ensure a
more prosperous and
sustainable future for all.