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Earthtec is precision agriculture with an important difference.

By obtaining a more detailed and accurate picture of the real-time needs of the plants that make up a crop, our Earthtec research and development team is bringing a new level of insight and impact to the science of agricultural analytics.

At Lee Rain, we created Earthtec, our agricultural analytics division, based on our belief that the potential for a new era of smarter agriculture—one in which we could maximize food production, minimize environmental impact, and reduce costs—was right there in the plants, just waiting to be unlocked. We recognized that by “listening” to the complex sensory and regulatory systems that enable any plant to adjust its growth to ever-changing environmental conditions, we could gain access to the absolute best picture of what a plant needed at any given moment in time.

Earthtec gathers the critical real-time data about plant well-being and the environment and translates it into precise implementation through a process we call Plant-Triggered Irrigation. Guided by an accurate analysis of what the crop requires for optimal health and yield, Plant-Triggered Irrigation removes the need for human interpretation or intervention.

We gather critical real-time data
about plant well-being and
the environment and translate
it into precise implementation
through a process we call
Plant-Triggered Irrigation.



