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Lee Rain is partnering with our customers to redefine sustainability for future generations. We created Nature’s Eye™ as a means for our clients in the food supply chain to accurately measure operation efficiencies, establish clear standards for sustainability initiatives, and provide clarity for and connectivity with their consumers.

Yes, sustainability is good for the environment and good for society, but it’s also good for business. Effective sustainability strategies—managing production efficiencies, reducing resource use, providing consumers with products aligned with their values—are essential to long-term growth and economic prosperity.

The problem is: sustainability is a nebulous, difficult-to-quantify concept, and a key component to implementing a successful sustainability initiative is the ability to connect with consumers, who are often wary and cynical when it comes to eco-friendly marketing claims.

Nature’s Eye enables supply chain and brand managers to provide clear and accurate real-time accounting of sustainability achievements. By working with our clients as sustainability partners, we establish meaningful, evidence-based standards for measuring and reducing environmental impact and increasing operational efficiencies.

Nature’s Eye software takes on-the-farm measurements of manageability and profitability and converts them into sustainability and accountability performance indicators that can be accessed via an intuitive web-based executive dashboard. These indicators provide the core of a compelling marketing message that can be communicated to consumers and stake holders who value local and regional brands that use fewer natural resources. Nature’s Eye builds strong relationships between forward-looking sustainable brands and customers who care.


By working with our clients
as sustainability partners,
we establish meaningful,
evidence-based standards
for measuring and reducing
environmental impact and
increasing operational efficiencies.





